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Provided gentle, personalized physical therapy care.
One patient at a time.

     Dee Hartmann Physical Therapy specialized in the treatment of women and men with chronic pain and dysfunction.

     Searching to find the source of your problems rather than treating only the symptoms, Dee dedicated herself to the creation of an environment that empowered every patient to achieve optimal health and wellness. Using a thorough history and a gentle discovery process, she worked to uncover factors that either influence or cause pain and dysfunction. By treating deductively, she began by listening to everything her patients had to tell. Conversing with them, she tried to find when, how, and why their problems began. Following a gentle physical assessment, she shaped a treatment plan based on the specific needs of each patient. 

     One-size-fits-all was not an option at Dee Hartmann Physical Therapy. With her guidance, patients worked to address their problems while learning along the way how best to take care of themselves. Her #1 goal was to teach strategies to allow women to take care of themselves rather than making them dependent on prolonged clinical care.


Dee Hartmann Physical Therapy.

Helped women regain control of their lives.

One day at a time.


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